Arrested in 1933 he was deported to Dachau, as a cultural revolutionary, he was one of the lucky ones who managed to escape and fled to Tel Aviv to find his cultural home in the former Palestine. Whilst there Schneuer turned his creativity to advertising, producing iconic images that formed part of the visual language of the new and dynamic city.
David Schneuer was very much an artist of his time and reflected the culture and mood of the era in his work, he bridges the gap between Post-Impressionism, German Expressionism and the new Modernistic world.
Works can be found in private collections and in museums and other public places throughout Europe, America, Canada and Israel.
All works presented in this catalogue are limited edition serigraphs.
Monday to Friday 10.00am to 6.00pm
Saturday 10.00am to 1pm
Avenida José da Costa Mealha nº 43
8100-500 Loulé, Portugal
Tel: (00 351) 289 419 447
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