THE SIMPSONS, created by Matt Groening, first appeared in 1987 as a series of animated bumpers created by Groening for FOX’s “The Tracey Ullman Show”. The first episode premiered as a half hour Christmas special on December 17, 1989 and THE SIMPSONS became a regular series on January 14, 1990.
Currently THE SIMPSONS is now the longest-running prime time animated series in history and the longest- running sitcom on prime time television.
Original Production Drawing (OPD) – These are the Original one-of-a-kind drawings penciled by the animator, that cels are eventually made from.
Original Production Cel (OPC) – Cels actually used in the production of a cartoon. They can be either Xerographed or hand-painted outlines and were hand painted at the studio. These Cels are one-of-a-kind pieces of art.
Sericel – It’s a silk screened reproduction taken from the original art used in the film, usually it’s a piece of art that is the perfect pose and moment from the film.
Since Season 13 the series has been made by computer and therefore there are no production cels from here on, so each year these original artworks become harder and harder to find.